PLAN (AFMP) 2018 - 2023
Client: Department of Agriculture (DA)
Funding Source: World Bank
Contract duration: 2018
Themes: Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security; Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management.
The project will involve the updating of the AFMP, in collaboration with key stakeholders, so that it is line with the objectives of the Department of Agriculture’s Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) as well as with the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 and other relevant legislation, plans, and frameworks. In particular, the updated AFMP will take into account guidelines and manuals to be developed in the harmonization of the Department of Agriculture’s Planning and Budgeting System, which is also under the PRDP.
As the initial step to formulating the AFMP 2018-2023, the OIDCI Team will conduct an assessment of the performance of the agriculture and fisheries sector in the last medium-term; future challenges facing the sector will be taken into account, such as those relating to the ASEAN Economic Community and to climate change. A Strategic Framework will be formulated for the Plan. The attendant annual investment requirements will be estimated: the project will integrate the Provincial Commodity Investment Plans in the regional plans and investment program of the AFMP 2018-2023. The impact of the investment requirements vis a vis the determined target outcomes for the Plan such as productivity, gross value added (GVA) growth, income of agri-based households, food security, and climate change resilience will also be estimated. The updated AFMP will include a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework with prescribed institutional arrangements.