OIDCI's technical expertise on water resource management covers the span of concerns from ridge to reef in the context of sustainable utilization and disaster risk reduction and management of the potentials of watersheds and major river basins for agriculture, industrial, energy and overall development of the impacted communities. OIDCI has developed the expertise to provide well-rounded technical services encompassing the preparation of environmental impact assessment that adheres to the quality and scientific standards set by licensing authorities, providing program advisory assistance, training and human/institutional resources development support, developing the appropriate institutional and financial planning, budgeting and management control and reporting systems required in the efficient implementation of water resources project, conducting socio-economic surveys and evaluation, and implementing pre-implementation social acceptability measures with the affected communities.
Formulation of the Philippine Water Supply and Sanitation Master Plan, 2017-2018
Client and Funding Source: National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)
Partner: Engineering and Development Corporation of the Philippines (EDCOP) - (Lead Firm), Tractebel Philippines
Management of Survey of Water Utilities in the Development of Listahang Tubig (Water Register), 2014 - 2015
Client and Funding Source: World Bank (WB)
Expanded Small Water Utilities Improvement and Financing Project Phase 2 - Management of Accredited Technical Service Providers (ATSPs), 2013-2014
Client: National Water Resources Board (NWRB) and Water and Sanitation Program --World Bank
Funding Source: World Bank (WB)
Support to the National Water Resource Board on the Registration and Regulation of Water Providers, 2010
Client: National Water Resource Board (NWRB)
Funding Source: World Bank (WB)
The Study for Improvement of Water Supply and Sanitation in Metro Cebu, Socio-economic Baseline Study, 2009
Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Metro Cebu Water District
Funding Source: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Partner: NJS/Nippon Koei, Japan