APAP Secretary General Herman Ongkiko, President, Orient Integrated Development Consultants, Inc (OIDCI) Philippines delivering the Opening Address of the 2020 Asia Pacific Agricultural Policy (APAP) Virtual Interface Forum.
Dr. Yong Kyu Choi, Chairman of Global Agricultural Policy Institute (GAPI) South Korea welcomes the participants and guest to the 2020 Asia Pacific Agricultural Policy (APAP) Virtual Interface Forum. GAPI played host of the Forum.
APAP Chairman Dr. Sang Mu Lee, President, Korea Overseas Agro-Resources Development Association delivers the Key Message to the participants and guests of the 2020 Asia Pacific Agricultural Policy (APAP) Virtual Interface Forum. In his message, Dr. Lee emphasized on the importance of regional coordination as vital measure to adapt to a new normal in post COVID agriculture and rural economic transformation. The pandemic seems to have aggravated challenges arising from recent protectionism, populism and nationalism which may manifest in the ways of distorting the market mechanism.
Dr. Orachos Napasintuwong, Professor , Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics, Kasetsart University, Thailand sharing the impact of COVID pandemic on the agricultural productivity and market trends in Thailand.
Dr Hermanto Siregar, Rector Perbanas Institute, Indonesia explaining the adverse impact of the COVID pandemic on employment and loss of household incomes the agriculture and rural development sector.
Dr. Arsenio Balisacan, Chairperson, Philippine Competition Commission and former NEDA Director General sharing his views and insights on the current measures being undertaken by the Philippine government in mitigating the socio-economic impact of the COVID pandemic.
Dr. Tin Htut Oo, Chairman, Agriculture Group of Yoma Strategic Holdings and CEO of the Agribusiness and Rural Development Consultants, Myanmar explaining the adverse impact of the pandemic in cross border trade and regional market disruptions.